Sunday, January 5, 2020

Active and Passive Euthanasia - 1012 Words

PHI 2630- Introduction to Ethics April 20, 2013 Active and Passive Euthanasia Most moral codes state that killing another human being is morally wrong. I would agree that to kill another human being in the heat of anger, for material gain or in the event of committing a crime would be morally wrong. But I feel that our moral codes are lacking in certain areas and do not take into account some situations where killing another human being would be morally acceptable. This type of killing would be to end the person’s suffering only. These cases the killing would be called active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia â€Å"taking a direct action to kill someone, to carry out a â€Å"mercy killing†. (Vaughn, 2010) â€Å"Passive Euthanasia is†¦show more content†¦I would argue in favor for the case of active euthanasia where a patient, bedridden, in excruciating pain from cancer, to end their suffering. The patient knows they are terminal and they have no happiness to look forward to, their days are limited to endless pain. The pa tient feels they are a burden to their family both financially and physically, as the family members are handling all the daily care of the patient. If the patient asks for medication to end their life it should be given. It is not so different than Hospice care, where medications are given to keep the patient comfortable from the pain. As the pain increases, so does the dosages of the pain medicines, until eventually the patient slips into a coma due to organ failure from the pain medication or overdoses. The patient is able to choose the moment to end their suffering if allowed to determine when they would ingest the medicine. The major concern in any cases of euthanasia would come if a person were in such a state and had not left any instructions. Would the person want to die in this case? Is there a possibility of recovery? If recovery is possible, is the personal representative or family member requesting euthanasia going to benefit from the person’s death? Ca ses such as these give argument to not allowing either active or passive euthanasia. In conclusion, we know the human body only survives for a finite amount of time. Our cells are constantlyShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia And Passive And Active Euthanasia1335 Words   |  6 PagesEuthanasia, with a Greek origin meaning â€Å"good death† or â€Å"easy death,† has been a controversial topic for a fairly long time. In more lexical terms, euthanasia is known as the act of ending a life due to an incurable disease or a suffering that one should not bear. In this paper, I will be providing an in depth look of what passive and active euthanasia is. The lexical distinction between passive and euthanasia is one actively killing another, and the other being the act of allowing one to die. IRead MoreActive Euthanasia And Passive Euthanasia917 Words   |  4 Pages Active euthanasia Active euthanasia is also known as â€Å"assistant suicide.† Euthanasia is usually used for people suffering from terrible pain and incurable disease. Some people relate euthanasia to suicide. However, euthanasia is very different than suicide and taking someone off their life support. I believe active euthanasia is better than passive euthanasia and will demonstrate my opinions. The different between active euthanasia from passive euthanasia is let the patients less suffering, lessRead MoreActive and Passive Euthanasia1976 Words   |  8 PagesSection: Philosophy 1318 Article: â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia† by James Rachels Author’s Thesis: There is no principal difference between active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. Argument for Rachel’s Thesis: Active euthanasia is in many cases more humane than passive euthanasia. Intentions and actions are two separate ideas which cannot be compared. He also explains how inaction is still an action because there is a consequence. When performing euthanasia, no matter the intentions, someoneRead MoreActive Euthanasia And Passive Euthanasia Essay2120 Words   |  9 Pages Active euthanasia is a subject that is raising a lot of concern in today’s society on whether or not it should be legalized and under what circumstances should it be allowed. This is a very tricky subject due to its ability to be misused and abused. There are a wide variety of things that need to be considered when it comes to who should be allowed to request active euthanasia such as, is it an autonomous choice, do they have a terminal illness, is their quality of life dramatically decreased, andRead MoreEuthanasi Active And Passive Euthanasia1634 Words   |  7 Pagesof Alaba ma, wrote a paper called Active and Passive Euthanasia where he argues against the distinction between killing in letting die. He says that the distinction is made on morally irrelevant grounds. He says that the distinction between passive and active euthanasia should not be based on whether or not wanted more morally permissible then the other. To prove his point Rachel uses three dif-ferent examples, which included different circumstance where euthanasia is involved. He looks at each exampleRead MoreEuthanasi Active And Passive Euthanasia995 Words   |  4 Pagesabout euthanasia in such depth until this assignment. It isn’t something completely new to me because I have heard about it, it happens everywhere, even if you or I don’t see it. But, I never gathered my thoughts about such a serious topic. Reading such opinions from these authors made me find out more about this topic but I cannot say I have came to a clear and set decision or opinion about euthanasia. As James Rachels states, â€Å"I can understand why some people are opposed to all euthanasia, and insistRead MoreEuthanasi Passive Euthanasia And Active Euthanasia Essay1927 Words   |  8 Pageschoosing euthanasia. The family or caregiver may pressure the patient into choosing euthanasia just so they could be relieved of the burden of caring for said patient. This may happen because the family or caregiver has had a lot of pressure put onto them. Financial burden being a leading factor. Although there is no data that completely verifies this possible problem, opponents argue that it can be a possible issue and that it should be addressed. (Ezekiel 637). There are two types of euthanasia. PassiveRead MoreEuthanasi Active And Passive Euthanasia1562 Words   |  7 PagesEuthanasia, also known as voluntary or assisted suicide, is used for terminally ill patients to end their lives instead of undergoing painful treatments and torment of waiting for death. There are, however, two different ways in which A can bring about B’s death. In this essay I will present the distinction between active and passive euthanasia as explained by James Rachels in his article called â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia†. I will also debate whether euthanasia is justified or not by presentingRead MoreActive And Passive Euthanasia Essay1739 Words   |  7 Pages Rachels and Brock In â€Å"Active and Passive Euthanasia† Rachels demonstrates the similarities between passive and active euthanasia. He claims that if one is permissible, than the other must also be accessible to a patient who prefers that particular fate. Rachels spends the majority of the article arguing against the recommendations of the AMA. The AMA proposes that active euthanasia contradicts what the medical profession stands for. The AMA thinks that ending a person’s life is ethically wrongRead MoreThe Argument Of Active And Passive Euthanasia1240 Words   |  5 Pagesarticle, Active and Passive Euthanasia,† In his article Rachel’s argues that both passive and active euthanasia are morally permissible and the doctors that is supported by the American Medical Association(AMA) is believed to be unsound. In this paper I will offer a thorough analysis of Rachel’s essay then so offer a critique in opposition of his arguments. In conclusion I will refute these op positions claims by defending Rachel’s argument, and showing why I believe his claims that both active and passive

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